

  I don't trust John Curtis in any elected office. His tenure in office has been reckless and dangerous. This isn't an anonymous smear from a made up alias "Jack Hughes". It's an honest assessment of a misguided politician and some of the consequences of his policy positions and public efforts. The damage he's caused this country and the state of Utah might never be undone. The only thing more fluid than his political affiliations are his agendas and talking points. His tenure as Provo Mayor was marked with horror, trauma and abuse of power. John Curtis is constantly undermining republicans. John Curtis is consistently acting the way a clandestine democratic party operative would. He’s used his position in congress and the pandemic for profiteering. His efforts to undermine republicans and push leftist agendas has consequences that jeopardizes national security and puts millions of lives at risk.  PROVO MAYOR, HORROR, TRUAMA, AND ABUSE OF POWER Joh


John Curtis was the mayor of Provo. He brought with him a police chief, John King.  King has previously employed in Baltimore where the city was forced to pay to resolve an allegation of sexual misconduct in 2013. While he police chief of Provo King was accused repeatedly of sexual harassment including lewd comments, leering, uninvited touching, groping and — in one case — rape . Here is a man in a position of power who abused it to commit sexual assault and John Curtis abusing his position to protect and enable his behavior. It’s very clear now who he is and the lengths he’ll go to protect sexual predators. Recently we’ve seen Supreme Court Nominee, Ketanji Brown Jackson, protecting child rapists and child pornographers' as a sitting Judge. CNN, a far left content creator, was exposed by Project Veritas for having multiple child rapists and predators in its ranks. We saw the creepy Epstein connection with Bill Clinton, we later saw the files and evidence from the Maxwell trial sea

John Curtis Republican In Name Only

  Is John Curtis a clandestine democrat party operative?   John Curtis was the Democrat opponent of Curt Bramble in a state senate race. John Curtis was the Utah County Democratic Party chair John Curtis changed his party affiliation before he ran for Congress. John Curtis utilized paid signature gatherers to override the delegates in 2018 John Curtis keeps gaming report cards while pushing leftist agendas of orange man bad and eco fascism. John Curtis goes out his way to attack any actual conservative in Congress, such as Matt Gaetz and Marjorie Taylor Greene and how he wants voters to abandon actual conservatives. .  Our country is facing an onslaught of dangerous leftist agendas. We need a solid conservative to stand up to leftist ideologues, not an uncertain trans ideological establishment creature that can morph into whatever political talking point is being pushed by Rachel Maddow for political expediency. All while creeping leftist agendas and policies into the GOP.  https://www


John Curtis pushed universal vote by mail, and joined fellow Never-Trumpers Spencer Cox and Mitt Romney in attacking President Trump on social media. He lied!  Before 2020 Utah has never had universal vote by mail in a general election. Amelia only took office the year prior in 2019. Utah has had problem after problem with vote by mail with outdated voter rolls, the dead getting ballots, minors getting ballots and in the primaries democrats getting republican ballots. John Curtis knows all this. Voting by mail is a way to obfuscate voter integrity issues and enable widespread voter fraud. It was in 2020 and it is now. It’s telling that John Curtis pushes local candidates supporting it and vilifying President Trump for opposing it. 

John Curtis' Climate Caucus, a Leftist Trojan Horse.

John Curtis is pushing the same eco fascist talking points of the una-bomber, Greta, and COP26. John Curtis uses the terms "energy caucus" and "climate caucus" interchangeably depending on where he's speaking. If he's in Park City it's a climate caucus. If he's in Vernal it's an energy caucus. He claims the contradictory position of supporting domestic energy and pushing the klepto carbon control agenda. It's an egregious contradiction he isn't ever held accountable for. While Trump was working to make America energy independent and  a net exporter of energy. John Curtis was attacking him in constituents' emails and on social media. John Curtis may attempt to portray the agenda as moderate. I can assure you there was nothing moderate about the COP26 summit he attended. Where his talking points and reasoning for his climate caucus was made clear. https://w

John Curtis Pandemic Profiteering

John Curtis has  personally profited from his position. Maybe if he sent stock tips in his constituent emails instead of attacks on Trump he'd better serve his constituents.  From “Accountable.US, a leading government watchdog group, filed a complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics to investigate Utah Representative John Curtis for potential violations of the Stop Trading on Congressional Knowledge Act and House Ethics Rules. Recent congressional filings revealed how Curtis traded stocks that stood to benefit from the health crisis or congressional action, such as video conference provider Zoom, e-commerce giant Amazon, COVID testing company Abbott Laboratories and many others.”

John Curtis has gone out of his way to undermine and attack Trump and his supporters.

  John Curtis was eager to play the victim card after January 6 like the Democrat politician he is. He went on the far left network MSNBC to cry… what happened that was so terrible? Someone left a mean note on his locker. A crudely made flier labeling him a traitor. A label that has been pushed on Trump and his supporters for the last four years. John Curtis has never spoken up against violence in Trump supporters, but encouraged it by going to an extremist left-wing network like MSNBC. John Curtis supported Nancy Pelosi's partisan January 6th commission. That labeled peaceful protesters and Trump supporters as terrorists. John Curtis took an extreme and outrageous measure before knowing all the facts and disregarding the facts known John Curtis put forth before Congress a censure of president Trump. It's worth noting that he's done nothing similar to how Biden again instantiating who he is, a Democrat running as a Republican. John Curtis attacked Trump for his

John Curtis Promotes Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

John Curtis is encouraging human trafficking, drugs and chaos in America. He incentivizing the amnesty of illegal border traffickers by pushing an amnesty bill.  70% of women crossing the border illegally are raped.  John Curtis wants to further encourage the exploitation of the most vulnerable by continuing the horrifying situation at the border  From “Both visa programs are crucial for employers to keep U.S. wages low and stagnant in farm jobs, as well as seasonal nonagricultural jobs. Last month, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) vowed not to consider any amnesty plans for illegal aliens should Republicans take back the House in this year’s midterm elections. The amnesty violates that pledge — indicating that, assuming McCarthy is Speaker and sticks to his word, the proposal stands no chance in a GOP-run House led by McCarthy next Congress.”   John Curtis is acting consistently the way a clandestine democrat oper

Is John Curtis Playing Dirty?

  I was shocked when I saw an email from John Curtis claiming lies were being pushed about him. I've seen dirty sneak attacks from clandestine sources smearing Jason Preston. I've seen photos cropped from fitness magazines to be made to look like they're something they’re not. . Jason Preston is an incredible patriot with an awesome story. I hate to see the dirty smear tactics and secret combinations being brought to bear on him. Especially when from a source too cowardly to say who they really are. Is John Curtis behind this? We don’t know, but we do know Jason Preston was the first one to challenge Curtis this year. We know Curtis associate Owen Fuller has attended Jason Preston’s events and heckled presenters. It’s not something we can put past John Curtis and his associates. 

John Curtis’s Agenda is Endangering the Lives of Millions.

  Ukraine What happened in Ukraine never would have happened under Trump. It was after seeing the total failure of the Biden administration in Afghanistan that Putin saw a chance to continue his push into Ukraine with near impunity. The Never-Trumper Republicans like John Curtis who did nothing but obstruct and attack Trump that gave the Biden campaign the needed talking points in swing states. John Curtis is responsible for using his position to lead America down this dangerous path. He's reckless and can't be trusted. Taiwan In what seems to be dark sarcasm John Curis claims to support Taiwan. In what I find the most personal and egregious. All while pushing CCP fu