John Curtis Promotes Illegal Immigration and Human Trafficking

John Curtis is encouraging human trafficking, drugs and chaos in America. He incentivizing the amnesty of illegal border traffickers by pushing an amnesty bill. 

70% of women crossing the border illegally are raped.  John Curtis wants to further encourage the exploitation of the most vulnerable by continuing the horrifying situation at the border 

“Both visa programs are crucial for employers to keep U.S. wages low and stagnant in farm jobs, as well as seasonal nonagricultural jobs.

Last month, in an exclusive interview with Breitbart News, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) vowed not to consider any amnesty plans for illegal aliens should Republicans take back the House in this year’s midterm elections.
The amnesty violates that pledge — indicating that, assuming McCarthy is Speaker and sticks to his word, the proposal stands no chance in a GOP-run House led by McCarthy next Congress.”  
John Curtis is acting consistently the way a clandestine democrat operative would, by pushing a bill to violate GOP leadership pledges in the house. When one delegate challenged him on this he became enraged and got physical. 

From Adam Bartholomew 
“CD3 Congressman John Curtis Angrily Poked Me In The Chest At Convention.
On Saturday I ran into Congressman John Curtis at the Utah County convention in Eagle Mountain.  I introduced myself as a delegate and took the opportunity to ask John why he’s pushing a bill that provides amnesty for illegal aliens in direct opposition to the Utah Republican Party platform. 

Congressman Curtis instantly became enraged, aggressively getting in my face and jabbing his finger into my chest over a dozen times. As he repeatedly poked me he heatedly said it was my responsibility as a delegate to read the bill before spreading misinformation. I responded “you’re the congressman that’s why I’m asking you sir.”

In this context I think amnesty is providing a pathway to citizenship and ultimately the right to vote for people who broke our laws to get here. He continued to poke me in the chest while telling me the bill requires illegals to pay monetary restitution or fines for 15 years before they get in line for legal status.  Also noting funds collected would be used to fund the border wall. While I appreciate his efforts to explain he didn’t actually answer my question, How does John Curtis justify pushing for this bill in direct opposition to our party platform? On page 3 in the 2nd paragraph under Immigration the Utah Republican Party platform reads “We oppose illegal immigration and all forms of amnesty, or legal status, for illegal immigrants.” I also came away with some new questions about this plan such as: how long will it take to fund completion of the wall under his plan?  How many more illegal immigrants will cross out border while we fund the wall over a 15 year period? Why are we incentivizing people to come here illegally in the meantime by promoting this plan?
Immediately following his convention speech, which I filmed from the front row, Mr Curtis came over to me and apologized for "being so defensive before" and thanked me for "letting him vent".  I guess I struck a nerve. Congressman John Curtis’ aggression was absolutely uncalled for. As I have reflected on this encounter over a few days I've come to the conclusion that Mr Curtis does not possess the emotional fortitude or impulse control to hold a public office. I was so flustered I forgot to ask my followup question, How did John Curtis not only beat the stock market average in 2021 but how did he do even better than Nancy Pelosi?” 

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